
New Ad Format Innovations (May 2024)

May 22, 2024
2 minutes

Welcome to our May edition of New Creative Formats!

Three innovative ideas tailored to captivate your audience. From dynamic animations, and interactive designs to unique concepts to beat the heat. Get ready to elevate your brand with these adaptable ideas.

Tornado Boost

Bring your product onto the banner stage with a tornado effect. Captivating attention and lasting brand impact for click-through success.

Heatwave Swirl

Keep cool on hot days with some refreshing propositions. Integrated with the weather API, this creative can be adapted to the local temperature, delivering tailored messages for every Celcius degree.

Mosaic Assembly

Reassemble fragmented pieces, and reveal the hidden message. Dive into the engaging experience with innovative banner design.

Want to create custom ads? Book a demo with our team.

Yana is a Product Marketing Manager at Eskimi. When she is not working on a marketing project, you can find her going on outdoor adventures or cultivating greens on her window sill.
Yana is a Product Marketing Manager at Eskimi. When she is not working on a marketing project, you can find her going on outdoor adventures or cultivating greens on her window sill.
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