Mondelēz Tang: Capturing Perfect Moments for Maximum Exposure

Reaching a targeted female audience in Bangladesh during the busy Ramadan season with high viewability and impactful messaging amidst media clutter.
Leveraging Eskimi’s innovative Countdown Rich Media with Time API to precisely engage consumers just before Iftar, maximizing the relevance and impact of Tang's campaign.
Viewable impressions
16.5 million
Plan overreached by
We had made continuous improvements, but I wanted to find a way to avoid the need for writing one-time-use-only reports altogether and make it easier to take data and use it to generate new insights. That was part of what was so attractive about Qarma’s value proposition.
Ben Baker, Vice President of Global Sourcing

Mondelēz Tang: Capturing Perfect Moments for Maximum Exposure

Reaching a targeted female audience in Bangladesh during the busy Ramadan season with high viewability and impactful messaging amidst media clutter.
Leveraging Eskimi’s innovative Countdown Rich Media with Time API to precisely engage consumers just before Iftar, maximizing the relevance and impact of Tang's campaign.

Since 2019, Mondelēz Tang, represented by Wavemaker, has capitalized on Eskimi’s innovative platform to execute targeted Ramadan countdown campaigns. 

These campaigns are designed to connect with the audience just before Iftar – the meal eaten to break the fast during Ramadan – using strategic digital tactics to maximize engagement and relevance. 

Leveraging a Strong Partnership

Wavemaker, a top global media network and a member of the GroupM and WPP family, excels in provoking growth and shaping consumer decisions through media, content, and technology. In Bangladesh, as part of Asiatic 3Sixty, Wavemaker continuously advances digital marketing strategies:

"We believe there is always a better way to grow," states Md Mahfuz Ul Islam, Digital Marketing Lead at Wavemaker Bangladesh.

Mondelēz International, a leading name in the global snacking industry with brands like Oreo, Cadbury, and Tang, empowers consumers to snack right. The Tang brand in Bangladesh uses Wavemaker's expertise to drive significant media growth and engagement. 

"Eskimi has been in Bangladesh for some years now and since the last 3-4 years we have always been exploring Eskimi with this type of campaigns because we have seen great results," points out Islam.

Strategic Challenges and Innovative Solutions

The Mondelēz Tang Ramadan campaign strategically targets a primarily female audience in Bangladesh, a demographic that presents unique outreach challenges. 

To maximize relevance and engagement, ads are deployed a few hours before Iftar, featuring a custom API that counts down to the Iftaar Meal . This aligns perfectly with consumer moments of breaking the fast and highlights Tang as an essential part of the celebration.

“The design was developed by the Wavemaker Design team. Eskimi helped us integrate the API and countdown clock in the banners. The client wanted to highlight the core message of “Celebrate Ramadan with Tang,” explains Mohammad Zubaier Hossain Molla, Sr. Executive - Digital Media Planning & Buying at Wavemaker Bangladesh.

Exceeding Expectations: Tang's Campaign Results

The campaign achieved an impressive 88% viewability rate and gathered 16.5 million viewable impressions. 

“The KPI was definitely reached and we received 35%-40% additional impressions from Eskimi,” adds Molla.

Eskimi’s solutions let Wavemaker: 

  • Reach a vast audience effectively
  • Use innovative formats to capture the audience at the perfect moment
  • Enjoy increased exposure as a result 

Key Takeaways

  • Partnership: The ongoing collaboration between Wavemaker, Mondelēz Tang, and Eskimi showcases a commitment to innovative and strategically timed advertising.
  • Innovation: Eskimi’s use of rich media formats and real-time APIs ensures that the campaigns are seen, relevant, and engaging.
  • Results: The campaign’s high-performance metrics illustrate the effectiveness of targeting and timing in digital advertising.
The campaign was definitely successful and met all the expectations. I truly value the overall service quality I receive from Eskimi, especially when certain strategic campaigns are being done and when there are regular updates and optimization suggestions.
Md Mahfuz Ul Islam
Digital Marketing Lead
We received 35% more deliverables compared to planned, which is a great value addition. Our relationship and partnership with Eskimi will continue to do so, and we hope newer innovative executions will be done in upcoming days.
Mohammad Zubaier Hossain Molla
Sr. Executive - Digital Media Planning & Buying

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