
Eskimi Teams Up With Gadsme To Offer Clickable In-Game Ads

January 12, 2024
3 minutes

Leading Programmatic DSP Eskimi, offering full stack services to customers worldwide, has entered into a partnership with Gadsme to provide the world's first user-enabled clickable in-game ad formats.

Online gaming revenue is predicted to reach $197B this year, and with a rapid rise in game adoption over the last few years, gamer numbers are to hit 3.2B by the end of the year, according to the latest Newzoo report. To put this in perspective, Statista shows global TV viewers for 2022 at 5.4 billion and the ad spend for TV is significantly higher.

Gaming is largely untapped with only around a quarter of the revenue potential versus audience size being generated in ad spend. The opportunities for brands to engage with consumers in this rapidly developing media channel are plentiful.

Gadsme in-game solutions

Gadsme’s solution allows advertisers to engage with gamers in a non-intrusive way. Eskimi will help to bring this innovative new format for display and video to 1000’s of advertisers globally.

Gadsme ads in the game environment

Gadsme, a French technology company, has taken the in-game advertising industry by storm by announcing the development of the first performance formats for in-game. Gadsme have developed long awaited clickable ads that are embedded within the game scenery to offer fully native brand experiences. These "user initiated" ads will allow gamers to engage with brands without leaving their favourite game and will provide a far less annoying experience with positive brand association. Eskimi is to be one of the first global DSP’s to launch the new format across their platform.

The recent rise in popularity of in-game ads has been driven by developers and studios seeking to find alternatives to traditional interruptive formats like interstitials. Gamer frustration caused by too many ads and pop-ups causes a decline in users and ultimately impacts revenue. The recent announcement from Google, saying that from the 30th September, 2022, in-game interstitial ads will have to comply with stricter policies, means there is more demand for in-game ads than ever before. 

The leading tech team at Gadsme created an advertising solution that provides a click metric, is 100% brand-safe and verified by iAS.

Eskimi enters the gaming space

Eskimi is a full stack programmatic AdTech platform with a global reach, local data & engaging creatives, 60+ ad exchanges, internal and external tech & brand safety tools, unique rich media solutions, and an integrated data management platform.

It allows brands and agencies to run programmatic ads featuring display, native, video, rich media, and other formats across multiple channels. This includes in-game ads, an emerging channel with low competition and high visibility.   

According to eMarketer, in-game ad sales on mobile alone will hit $6.26B by the end of this year, a 14% increase over last year's revenues. Over the next five years, the industry for in-game advertising is anticipated to grow to $18.41 billion.

“Eskimi leads the space with client education, case studies, and global in-game supply. In-game is part of our strategy to offer multi-screen and multi-format advertising to our global clients on a single platform. Therefore, we are thrilled to partner with Gadsme to deliver on this promise. As a relatively new format, in-game is quickly gaining popularity from all industries globally due to its innovative and non-intrusive nature,” says Vytautas Paukstys, CEO at Eskimi.

Eskimi's clients include 2.200+ global clients from agencies, FMCGs, telecom, consumer electronics, and many more. Big brand names such as Havas, Coca-Cola, Group M, and Diageo use Eskimi to optimize marketing outcomes using data-driven ad placement and unique creatives. 

“We have experienced unprecedented growth over the last 6 months. It is clear there is much desire for non-intrusive in-game ads and our stance from inception was to provide the market with a pristine and stable product that delivers on its promise," says Simon Spaull, CRO & Co-Founder at Gadsme.

"Now we need to educate advertisers as to the potential and drive revenues for game studios. This is why partnerships with leading players like Eskimi are so important for Gadsme. We are hugely proud they have chosen to partner with us and confident we can form a formidable partnership.”
Philip is the CMO of Eskimi. When he’s not busy growing the Eskimi brand, he spends his time with family and playing ping pong.
Philip is the CMO of Eskimi. When he’s not busy growing the Eskimi brand, he spends his time with family and playing ping pong.
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