Xiaomi: Defying The Odds & Rising Above Expectations

Effectively promoting Xiaomi's new phones in a saturated digital ad landscape with budget constraints and quick launch cycles.
Leveraging Eskimi's innovative ad formats and programmatic technology to create a unique, interactive digital experience for potential customers while maximizing cost efficiency.
Engagement rate
Impressions surpassed by
We had made continuous improvements, but I wanted to find a way to avoid the need for writing one-time-use-only reports altogether and make it easier to take data and use it to generate new insights. That was part of what was so attractive about Qarma’s value proposition.
Ben Baker, Vice President of Global Sourcing

Xiaomi: Defying The Odds & Rising Above Expectations

Effectively promoting Xiaomi's new phones in a saturated digital ad landscape with budget constraints and quick launch cycles.
Leveraging Eskimi's innovative ad formats and programmatic technology to create a unique, interactive digital experience for potential customers while maximizing cost efficiency.

Xiaomi, a global client with a strong focus on digital advertising, chose to partner with Eskimi, a platform known for its innovative approach to digital advertising. The collaboration began in 2019, and since then, they have successfully launched several flagship brands.

"We have managed to launch more than three or four flagship brands...there were four or five big flagship brands, and we managed to launch them pretty well in the market. The launch was epic. So as a partner, yes, we are proud of the partnership and the launch that has happened in the last four or five years." Md Mahfuz Ul Islam, Digital Media Lead at MBA Bangladesh.

Overcoming Challenges in Digital Advertising

The partnership faced challenges in scaling reach due to frequent product launches and budget constraints. The team sought to diversify beyond typical social and video-driven strategies to include performance marketing.

"A budgetary perspective is one challenge. However, another area it's too much of a social and video-driven strategies are happening for mobile brand, and nothing much from performance marketing," pointed out Islam.

The Power of Innovation: The Redmi Note 12 Campaign

"There's a way to do it better - find it." Thomas Edison

This quote is applicable in the dynamic, fast-paced advertising world of 2023. Without innovation, businesses run the risk of becoming obsolete in a world where consumers crave novelty and personal relevance.

When launching the Redmi Note 12, Xiaomi and Eskimi designed an interactive digital experience highlighting the phone’s key features: the display, the camera, and the battery.

Instead of limiting the campaign to specific websites and apps, they aimed to maximize exposure with innovative creatives. The campaign targeted the youth audience aged 18-45, spread across as many apps and sites as possible.

"We didn't want to limit our creative exposures rather we wanted to maximize it with the creative that has been made," says Md Mahfuz Ul Islam.

Exceeding Expectations: Results of the Redmi Note 12 Campaign

The campaign surpassed its target for impressions and reach, delivering more than the expected result. Eskimi's solution allowed Xiaomi to: 

  • Widen its digital footprint
  • Leverage innovative formats and technology
  • Achieve cost efficiency

Here is some context to the success of the campaign with numbers.

Key Takeaways

  • Partnership: Strong collaboration between Xiaomi and Eskimi enabled innovative solutions to marketing challenges.
  • Innovation: Eskimi’s creative approach enabled delivering an interactive, engaging ad campaign for Xiaomi.
  • Results: The innovative ad campaign yielded impressive results, exceeding targets and benchmarks.
One of the primary reasons we chose Xiaomi is to widen our horizon, but in our horizon in terms of the digital footprint. Eskimi is a well-established partner for most of the advertisers and agencies in Bangladesh, and they have already established their authenticity in terms of campaign delivery.
Md Mahfuz Ul Islam
Digital Media Lead
We wanted people to actually have the experience of the device… we wanted to give that feel to the audience. And what we did for this campaign could only be done through Eskimi.
MD. Moinuddin Ashraf
Assistant Media Manager

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